Monday, September 8, 2008

New Blog Address

Welcome to our new blog for 5th class.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Mrs Browne !
I'm one of your old classmates ...
I was thinking about the good memories of Ireland and I found your school blog. I'm still living in Belgium, know I am 13 and I'm in 3th secondary class. I continue speaking english with an english teacher until I'll pass the cambridge exam at 16.
The belgian mentality is very different from the irish, here people aren't so kind, I still didn't get used to it ...
I hope you still remember me, if not i would send you a photo ! :-)

Melanie Glodkiewicz ( my E-mail adress is :

P.S: Would you have any contact with the other classmates of my year ?
I miss Ireland so much ...